
Referensi, Masalah & Footnote Organisasi

14,10 Referensi

1. Au, T., C. Hendrickson and A. Pasquale, "Introduction of a Relational Database Within a Cost Estimating System," Transportation Research Record 1050, pp. 57-62, 1986.
2. Bosserman, B.E. and M.E. Ford, "Development of Computerized Specifications," ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 110, No. CO3, 1984, pp. 375-384.
3. Date, C.J., An Introduction to Database Systems, 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1981.
4. Kim, W., "Relational Database Systems," ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1979, pp. 185-211.
5. Mitchell, William J., Computer Aided Architectural Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1977.
6. Vieceli, A.M., "Communication and Coding of Computerized Construction Project Information," Unpublished MS Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1984.
7. Wilkinson, R.W., "Computerized Specifications on a Small Project," ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 110, No. CO3, 1984, PP. 337-345.
8. Latimer, Dewitt and Chris Hendrickson, “Digital Archival of Construction Project Information,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics for Construction, 2002."

14.11 Masalah

1. Misalkan kita ingin mengembangkan database yang terdiri dari nama kontraktor, alamat dan spesialisasi tertentu seperti dalam Tabel 14-3.
o Menyarankan dua organisasi hirarkis data ini.
o Sarankan sebuah organisasi relasional alternatif untuk data ini.
o Organisasi yang akan Anda rekomendasikan untuk implementasi database?

2. Sarankan empat laporan yang dapat diperoleh dari sistem persediaan gudang dijelaskan dalam Bagian 14.3 dan menjelaskan apa setiap laporan dapat digunakan untuk dan oleh siapa.

3. Misalkan kontraktor umum ingin menyimpan database historis dari hasil kompetisi tawaran. Sarankan (a) informasi yang akan disimpan, dan (b) sebuah organisasi kemungkinan informasi ini.

4. Untuk database disarankan dari Soal 3, menerapkan sistem prototipe pada program software spreadsheet.

5. Menjelaskan sebuah database relasional yang akan berguna dalam menyimpan awal, berakhir dan semua tahap perantara untuk gerakan robot blockworld seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Soal 6 dalam Bab 9.

6. Menjelaskan sebuah database relasional yang akan sesuai untuk menjaga informasi aktivitas penjadwalan selama pemantauan proyek. Jadilah eksplisit tentang apa hubungan akan ditetapkan, atribut dalam setiap relasi, dan rentang yang diijinkan nilai.

14.12 Footnotes

1. See D.F. Rogge, "Delay Reporting Within Cost Accounting System," ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 110, No. 2, 1984, pp. 289-292.
2. The system is based loosely upon a successful construction yard management system originally for Mellon-Stuart Company, Pittsburgh, PA. in 1983. The authors are indebted to A. Pasquale for providing the information and operating experience of the system.
3. Attributed to R. Lemons in J. Bentley "Programming Pearls," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 28, No. 9, 1985, pp. 896-899.
4. See Wilkinson, R.W. "Computerized Specifications on a Small Project," ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 110, No. CO3, 1984, pp. 337-345.
5. See C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, 1981.
6. This is one example of a normalization in relational databases. For more formal discussions of the normalizations of relational databases and the explicit algebra which can be used on such relations, see Date op cit.
7. For a discussion of relational algebra, see E.F. Codd, "Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages," Courant Computer Science Symposia Series, Vol. 6, Prentice-Hall, l972. Back
8. See D.C. Trichritzis and F.H. Lochovsky, "Hierarchical Data-Base Management," ACM Computing Surveys Vol. 8, No. 1, 1976, pp. 105-123.
9. For a more extensive comparison, see A.S. Michaels, B. Mittman, and C.R. Carlson, "A Comparison of Relational and CODASYL Approaches to Data-Base Management," ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1976, pp. 125-157.
10. This organization is used for the central data store in an integrated building design environment. See Fenves, S., U. Flemming, C. Hendrickson, M. Maher, and G. Schmitt, "An Integrated Software Environment for Building Design and Construction," Proc. of the Fifth ASCE Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, 1987
11. For a discussion, see D.R. Rehak and L.A. Lopez, Computer Aided Engineering Problems and Prospects, Civil Engr. Systems Lab., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1981. 
12. See W.J. Mitchell, Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1977.
13. This figure was adapted from Y. Ohsaki and M. Mikumo, "Computer-aided Engineering in the Construction Industry," Engineering with Computers, vol. 1, no. 2, 1985, pp. 87-102. 
